Not all printed or electronic Hebrew Bibles ( Mikra / Tanakh) are exactly the same in all details. For example the diacritical symbols used for vowels ( nekuddot) and cantillations marks (ta`amei ha-mikra) can sometimes vary from edition to edition. A good illustration of this is to be found in Genesis 32:18 see the picture below:

It should be noted that in the above example there is a slight change in vocalization and in maybe how the text is to be chanted but not in meaning. An interesting discussion on of this can be found in the archives of the Avodah Mailing List:
There’s a qamats qatan vs qamats gadol issue “hiding” in there. Perhaps this is what you were hinting at with your mention of a “slight change in vocalization” being at issue here. This word is extensively documented in MAM; right now I only have time to paste in the Hebrew but perhaps I will offer a translation later:
יִֽפְגׇשְׁךָ֞ =ש,ק3,ו,ה,ש2 וכמו כן בתיגאן (גימ״ל רפה), ואילו ל!=יִֽפְגָּֿשְׁךָ֞ (דגש וסימן רפה באות גימ״ל במקום גימ״ל רפה). ברויאר בהערה למהדורתו הראשונה ציין סימן רפה בלי דגש בכתי״ל, אמנם הדגש ברור בכתב־היד.
מ״ש=יִֽפְגָֽשְׁךָ֞ (געיה לסמן קריאת קמץ רחב) ע״פ רד״ק, ואילו הקריאה בקמץ קטן לפי ויינברג ( וכך נשמע גם בקריאתו של הרב ירמיהו וידר.
הערות דותן (בספק) והמקליד
קורן, ברויאר, דותן, סימנים, מכון ממרא
To note a difference in whether this is qamats qatan or qamats gadol, the “MAM with doc” edition uses a special symbol, a qamats qatan with a small meteg next to it. I wish I could include an image to show that but I don’t see how that is possible here.
Wow, MAM is starting to sound really helpful and cool!