Another informative video by the 'Insitute of Biblical Culture' worth watching. … [Continue reading] about What is the Tanakh?
How to be sure that you know a classical or Biblical language?

In the last post, I mentioned how one can know for sure if they or anyone else actually has acquired a modern Language. I then received a few questions from my subscribers about Biblical languages. The majority to the effect of: "What then of the … [Continue reading] about How to be sure that you know a classical or Biblical language?
Paul on Hebrew
How, do you know if you or someone else really knows a foreign language or an L2? Easy, if you or another person can speak, listen, and (read) write the language in such a way that you can communicate back and forth with native speakers and very … [Continue reading] about Paul on Hebrew
The Director Insitute of Biblical Culture Rabbi Dr. David Moster has produced a very interesting and informative video on puns in the Hebrew Bible. What do you think? … [Continue reading] about BIBLICAL PUNS
BHQ Leviticus released!
New Biblia Hebraica Quinta (BHQ) Volume: Leviticus! Abram K-J author of the Words on the Word Blog reports on the 8th and most recent Fascicle of the BHQ so far to be published here: … [Continue reading] about BHQ Leviticus released!